Thursday, December 9, 2010

Water Treatment

Yeah, we have to spend some of our money to water treatment. Water treatment is very important since we need water a lot each day. Without water, there will be no live. For our health, we do really need clean water. Unclean water is bad for our health. The worst thing is we can be poisoned by water we drink every day. If we take a look at population that happened in China, they were horrible. Water is not clean anymore. The water color is red or kinda brown. By that, a lot of Chinese people that live within the pollution area are suffered, some of them languished cancer. Therefor, we have to spend some our money to water treatment, for our health and our child and grandchild in the future.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Planting !! Keep Them Flourishing !!

In this time, I will focused on lettuce, since I am in vegetables groups. Our lettuce grown very well. Here is the materilas we need and steps we have to do.

Materials we need :
  • shovel
  • lettuce
  • original land as place
  • sunlight
  • humus
  • water
Steps we need to do :
  • Get rid of other plants that could be disturb our lettuce's growth rate.Make a hole with shovel for the lettuce.
  • Pour some humus into the hole.
  • Pour some water and wait until the water get illuviated.
  • Put the lettuce on the hole we just made.
  • Keep the root under ground.
Things we need to be aware off :

  • keep it from bugs.
  • the cold weather.
  • our responsible to water it everyday, so that it wouldn't face any deficiency

Sunday, November 7, 2010

- - - IM Message - - -

Guna Humus Dalam Lingkungan
( The Use of Humus in Environment )

Saturday, November 6 2010, I chat with my friend in Indonesia through facebook. His name is Henry, we chat about soil, especially humus, how to keep it fertile, how to prevent it from erosion. We had been lived for a long time in East Java, a very fertile area that very good for farming. We chat about what is the use of humus and how to prevent it from erosion. Well, this is our conversation.
Me      : Henry, sudah lama aku meninggalkan Indonesia, bagaimana keadaan di sana ?
            ( Henry, it has been a long time since I left Indonesia, how is it doing there ? )
Henry  : Baik baik, tetapi di sini ada masalah ttg tanah. Banyak terjadi erosi di mana mana, tertutama karena banjir kecil. Lapisan humus tersapu dan mengurangi kesuburan tanah di Jawa Timur.
            ( It is good, but there is a problem about soil here. Erosion occured almost everywhere, especially because of flood. Humus layer swapped away and decreased the fertile of the land in East Java. )
Me      : Kok bisa sampai terjadi banjir di sana ?
            ( How could flood happen there ? )
Henry  : Ya, karena banyak orang yang membuang sampah sembarangan.
            ( Yeah, it happened because a lot of people throw trashes not in the right place. )
Me      : Wah .... Itu menyedihkan, seharusnya orang orang Indonesia bisa lebih peduli terhadap lingkungan. Apa ada dampak yang besar terhadap tanah di sana ?
             ( That's so sad ! .... Indonesian people should care about the environment more. By the way, is there any significant effects on the soil there ? )
Henry  : Ya, karena erosi, lapisan humus terkikis. Tanah menjadi tidak subur lagi, banyak tanaman mengalami keterlambatan perkembangan. Dan pada akhirnya itu semua berdampak kembali terhadap manusia .
             ( Yes, because of erotion, humus layer swapped away. Soil be more unfertile by the time, a lot of plant facing problems in growth. And at last, all of that things have effect on human's life. )
Me        : Aku rasa, tidak mustahil untuk memperbaiki lingkungan yang mulai rusak. Paling tidak kita bisa mulai dari diri kita sendiri, lalu kita bisa menyarankan teman teman kita. Kita juga bisa untuk menanam tanaman, di sini aku belajar untuk menanam tanaman asli california. Tanaman bisa membantu mengikat material material tanah, dan itu bisa membantu melindungi tanah dari erosi.
              ( I think, it is possible to fix the environment problem that started to happen. At least, we can start from ourselves, then we can convinced the others. We can also started to plant some plants. By the way, I learnt to plant the native Californian plant. The plants can helped in protect the soil from erosion. )
Henry     : Ya, kamu betul. Ayo kita berjuang bersama untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah.
               ( Yeah, you are right. Let's try our best to improve the fertile of the land.)
Me         : Oke, sampai jumpa lagi ^_^.
               ( Okay, see you Henry ^_^. )
Henry    : Ya, sampai jumpa ^_^.
               ( Yeah, see you too ^_^. )


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dust Bowl --- tragedy in 20 th century ---

  Surviving the Dust Bowl

        Great Plains area were the most fertile area in the entire U.S. A lot of giants plants included fruits and vegetables were grow. Watermelon that larger than a man, grapes that bigger tthan basketball. It was green, beautiful, and also fertile. Unfortunately, most farmers were planting and farming without crop rotation. So, the farmers couldn't protect the land from erosion.
          The rain stopped at 1931 and with a severe drought, the soil were changed into dust and blew away when the wind blew. The dust bowl affected area about 400,000 km square, centered in panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma and in adjacent part of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. The Dust Bowl caused a mysterius illness in that area. Such as dust pneumonia and malnutrition. So, a lot of people started to left their home and traveled west.
          Some of the people chose to stay. They used a mask to protect themselves from the dust. They covered their house with white cloth, even though they still have to clean their house every day. The dirt was mixed with the food and the water. Because of the heavy and thick dust, the plants died and the cattles starving.
          In 1934, the frequency of the dust increased and had a different variety. Black Dust from Kansas, Red form Oklahoma, and Gray from New Mexico. In 1935, one over third people there languished dust pneumonia and malnutrition, especially children that their body immune weren't as great as an adult. At the end of 1935, the Dust Bowl stop. Most of people chose to move westward, lot of them chose California. Some of them still chose to stay there, want to fixed their everything as well as they can.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Water Turns to Blood --- JoAnne Burkholder --- Limnologist ---

After read the novel "And The Waters Turned to Blood", I can describe how JoAnne became a limnolgist. Limnologist is the scientific study of the life and phenomena of fresh water, especially lakes and ponds.
The first reason is her childhood experience. She was raised well by her father who had all but grown up in the woods, hunting, fishing, and also trapping. He taught JoAnne about a lot of things about live in the open air and made her love it. So, from the very beginning, JoAnne had already love to live in the open air, observing water, animals, and a lot of other thing at the forest.
The second reason is her experience as a junior in high school. The concept that every lake had its own natural life cycle, beginning as a cold, clean body of water that supported a variety of healthy plant and animal life, and moving through stages toward becoming a shallow, warm marsh that hosted only the lowest forms of life was really captured her interest. By that, she decided that she was going to be involved in "water science".
The third reason is her proffesor support and recommendation. Actually, she couldn't go to get the higher education because financial problem. She worked at a drugstore until someday she was hired as an assistant in a limnology research at Iowa state. She showed that she could hike in the woods, ford streams, and camp with the best group of other scientist there. At the end, her limnology professor recommended her to North Carolina State. By his support, JoAnne flew to North Carolina and started her career as a limnologist.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Science Poem

Queen of the Silent Spring

Rachel Louise Carson
bright, considerate, & curious
born in Springdale, Pennsylvania
care about environment, especially the usage of pesticides
love the environment and nature
creative, brave, & caring
write Silent Spring
feared if the environment damaged or unresponsibly used
wanted if the environment beauty is everlasting
RLC (05/27/1907 - 04/16/1964)

Rachel Carson, Environmentalist

Rachel Louise Carson (May 27, 1907 – April 14, 1964) was an American marine biologist and nature writer whose writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.
Carson started her career as a biologist in the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and became a full-time nature writer in the 1950s. Her widely praised 1951 bestseller The Sea Around Us won her financial security and recognition as a gifted writer. Her next book, The Edge of the Sea, and the republished version of her first book, Under the Sea Wind, were also bestsellers. Together, her sea trilogy explores the whole of ocean life, from the shores to the surface to the deep sea.
In the late 1950s, Carson turned her attention to conservation and the environmental problems caused by synthetic pesticides. The result was Silent Spring (1962), which brought environmental concerns to an unprecedented portion of the American public. Silent Spring spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy—leading to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides—and the grassroots environmental movement the book inspired led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Carson was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Bears are hungry in the Rockies
This year, bears are wrestling with very challenging conditions. One of them is lack of food, a shortage of berries and other foods that bears normally rely before hibernation has sent into conflicts with humans in the Rocky Mountain West. This lack of food caused bears that used to live in the mountain come into the cities. We can found bears are foraging in garbage cans, such as in; golf courses, cities centers, and many others place. And in the late spring snows, which blanketed the high country, pushed bears to lower elevations earlier, delayed or even destroyed the crop of fruit-producing shrubs bears favor, such as huckleberries and hawthorns. Conflicts between wildlife and humans almost always center on food. When supplies of nourishment are low in the mountains, bears move closer to the valleys, where people live and livestock is conveniently located.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Advantages of Maps in Environment Science

Maps are very important in studying science, especially environment science. The first reason why maps are important is we can know more about the world, we know more about where we live now. We need that information because each environment that spread among the world are different. For instant, environment in  Northern Africa is totally different with environment in Indonesia (South East Asia). Africa has desert and Indonesia has tropical jungle. And because of the difference, the animals and type of plants that can grow are different too. In desert we can find palm trees and camels. In tropical jungle we can find huge trees and also "orang utan" that similar with monkeys.

The second reason why maps are important because by map, we can know what does a country rich of or lack of. Maybe some country is rich of humans population, in other word it means that one country had a lot of humans there. Maybe some country is lack of humans population, it means that the country is need more human to develop a better country.

There are also so many kind of maps in this world. 2 of them are physical map and population map. Physical map is type of map that supplies our knowledge with data about the earth. From physical map we can know where is China, and also where is Argentina, and others.
This is a physical map of the earth

And the other one is population map. Population map is type of map that overview about the population density in various parts of the world. For instant, there is map called U.S. Population map. By the name, it overview the population density in United States of America.
This is a population map of the United States of America

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Characteristics of Chaos

1.  Butterfly Effect
The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely that small differences in the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. Although this may appear to be an esoteric and unusual behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a ball placed at the crest of a hill might roll into any of several valleys depending on slight differences in initial position. The butterfly effect is a common trope in fiction when presenting scenarios involving time travel and with "what if" cases where one storyline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.

2. Unpredictable
Chaotic system is totally unpredictable. We can prove it by doing the Chaos Game Dots. We can't know what number will be shown by the dice in the next step and so on.

3. Instability
Chaos also has a characteristic called instability. It means that chaos is easily change. Take for example if we build a tower from a deck of card. It won't be 100 % stable. It can be ruined easily with a simple softly wind.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Goals

By taking this class, I want to know a lot about environment science. I want to know about the ecosystem and circumstances around me, so I can more understand about our nature, our earth, how to save it, how to manage it, and how to make a good living in harmony with the nature. I think a good environment will support and give a lot of benefits to our life.
Our life is very depents on the natural resources around us.  If there are a lot of people have knowledge about the environtent around they live, there will be more resorurces we can save too. At the end we can save the world from it's damage. I wish there also more sickness we can handle, so  there will be more and more peolple live healthy and happily. But the most of all,  sure I want to pass this class well.