Saturday, April 2, 2011

Letter To The Government

805 N.Hidalgo Ave
Alhambra, LA 91801

05 April, 2011

California Senator
Mrs. Barbara Boxer

Dear Mrs. Boxer,

A problem about population has been bothering me for some time now, and I thought I should share my opinion with you. In my opinion, the problem about population in United States is related to the strictless of United States reproductive policy.

Due to the over population that United States has to face right now, it is very important to reduce our birth rate and restrict the immigration policy. As we know, as the population increase, the competition in job field and competition to survive have been very very bad. Poverty spread all over United States. We should limit our population with one child policy so that competition in job field and competition to survive could be controlled.

Please contact me if you require further information about this matter. I hope you would devote some time studying this problem and I hope you could do something that could help finish this problem. If you have some questions, you could contact me at 626-380-7158.

Thank you for your time and your consideration.

Derry Devara Teguh

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