Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kind of Nutrients

1. Carbohydrates, used as the main source of energy in the body. We can get carbohydrates from foods that contain sugars or starches. Carbohydrates are processed by amylase. Examples of food that contains carbohydrates are breads, pastas, grains, rice, and etc.
(reference: bio textbook and google search for image)

2. Proteins, used as biological catalyst that speed up chemical reaction that take place within human body. It also has regulatory and transoport functions. Take for example, insulin is a protein that regulatres the level of sugar in the blood, and hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that help the blood transport oxygen. We can find proteins in meat, chicken, beef, fish, beans, and etcetra.
(reference: bio textbook and google search for image)

3. Lipids, used to store extra energy and insulate the body. Lipids also produce cell membranes, myelin sheaths, and certain hormone. We can get lipids from animal fat and vegetable fat. Examples for animal fat are cheese and butter. Examples for vegetable fat are avocados, beans, etc.
(reference: bio textbook and google search for image)

4. Vitamins, used to help regulate body process.Often times, it working together with enzymes. There are two kinds of vitamins; one that is water soluble and one that is fat soluble. B and C are water soluble while A, D, E, K are fat soluble. We can find vitamins from eating various kinds of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.
(reference: bio textbook and google search for image)

5. Mineral, used to fulfill the body needs, usually in small amount. Some examples of minerals are calcium, iron, and magnesium. Calcium is a major component of bones and teeth. Iron is needed to make hemoglobin. We can find minerals by eating a variety of foods because minerals are found in the living tissues of plants and other animals.
(reference: bio textbook and google search for image)

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