Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things I acquaired in the second semester

     Throughtout these months in this second semester, I had learned a lot of things. Some of them I got as an enrichment from what I had already had in Indonesia. Here, in United States, I could build up my vocabulary from day to day as I improve my english skills. Besides all of that, I also learn some new things that I have not learned yet in Indonesia.
     Chapter 5 and 7 consists of some things that I already know such as symbiosis, ecosystem, evolution, food web, and also food chain. But here, I enrich my knowledge by do some projects such as food web project and food chain project. There, in Alhambra High School Ms. Malonek helps me enrich my knowledge. In chapter 8 and 9, things that I already know are the pyramid population and the formula of the population itself. But I also learned some significant lessons about things I have not learned yet in Indonesia.
     To be honest, I have never done an experiment with owl pellet before. But in United States, in Alhambra High School, Ms. Malonek taught me how to do that experiment and also what could be learned from that experiment. Through that experiment, I learned and observed what does an owl eat, and from Microsoft Excel, I could make the data chart. In Indonesia, most stuffs I learned are the theory. But in United States, I learned about the practice and experiment which are also very important in learning science.

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